Felt Purses and Shoulder Bags I Knitting Pattern by Fiber Trends
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Felt Purses and Shoulder Bags II Knitting Pattern by Fiber Trends
Knit It! Felt It! Knit and Felt Pattern Book
Toe Jazz Sock Pattern with Separate Big Toe by Fiber Trends
Peak Experience Sock Pattern by Betsy Lee McCarthy
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Fidalgo Feet Sock Pattern by Linda Peterson
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Walking AWay Socks Pattern by Fiber Trenda #AC-35x
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Acorn Socks Knitting Pattern by Fiber Trends
Foot Notes Sock Knitting Pattern by Betsy Lee McCarthy of Fiber Trends
Lupine Lace Socks Knitting Pattern by Evelyn Clark
$2.33 $5.00
The Sheep Shawl Pattern by Evelyn Clark of Fiber Trends
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Diagonal Garter Scarf Knitting Pattern AC-94 by Fiber Trends
Queen of Hearts Knitted Shawl Pattern by Fiber Trends
Easy Lace Poncho Pattern for Women and Children by Fiber Trends