Celtic Diamonds Quilt Epattern by KwiltArt
Celtic Radiance Quilt Epattern by Kwiltart
Strawberries Applique Wallhanging/Table Runner EPattern by Patchabilities
FREE Tumbling Winds Quarter Quilt Pattern Wiith Purchase Of View & Do Octagon and Starmaker 8 by Kaye Wood
$44.90 $54.90
Windmills and Sunflowers Applique Wallhanging EPattern by Patchabilities
Hippity Hoppity Easter Bunny Wallhanging Epattern by Patchabilities
Cabin Flurries Table Runner EPattern by Patchabilities
Building Cubes Quilt ePattern with 8 Variations by Kwiltart
Fore Wallhanging Epattern by Patch Abilities
Santa Epattern by Patchabilities
Tulips Wallhanging Epattern by Patchabilities
Bless America Wallhanging Epattern by Patchabilities
Vilhelm the Gnome July Block from the Gnomio Quilt EPattern by Charisma Horton
Angel Advent Calendar Epattern by Castilleja Cotton
Anlaf the Gnome April Block from the Gnomio Quilt EPattern by Charisma Horton
Bjorn the Gnome March from the Gnomio Quilt EPattern by Charisma Horton
Blooming Log Cabins Quilt Epattern by Castilleja Cotton
Fridrik the Gnome September Block from the Gnomio Quilt EPattern by Charisma Horton
Gnomie-o the Gnome February from the Gnomio Quilt EPattern by Charisma Horton
Gustav the Gnome September Block from the Gnomio Quilt EPattern by Charisma Horton
Hinrik the Gnome November Block from the Gnomio Quilt EPattern by Charisma Horton
King Whale Tails Quilt EPattern by Castilleja Cotton
Leaves on a Pond Quilt EPattern by Castilleja Cotton
Mikel the Gnome May Block from the Gnomio Quilt EPattern by Charisma Horton
Nissa the Gnome June Block from the Gnomio Quilt EPattern by Charisma Horton
Olaf the Gnome January from the Gnomio Quilt EPattern by Charisma Horton
Oscar the Gnome October Block from the Gnomio Quilt EPattern by Charisma Horton
Rippling Flowers Quilt Epattern in 4 Sizes by Castilleja Cotton
Soul Blossoms Embroidery Wallhanging Epattern by Charism Horton
Sven the Gnome December Block from the Gnomio Quilt EPattern by Charisma Horton